Tuesday, September 21, 2010


When I read an article related to punarjanma in Taranga last week my mind got a new theory related to it. I would like to share it today with you. This is just for fun. It was written in the article that every living being has a soul and soul never dies. Each living being take birth as a new living being when it dies. I also read that the living beings take re-birth as that particular living being which it thinks/dreams of during its death. Then I got a nice theory for the population explosion in the present world. Most of the non-human living beings are dying because of humans directly or because of our activities. So they always think about humans while dying and take re-birth as human which results in increase of human population which further results in killing of other living beings and it adds up to population explosion. By applying a small modification of newton's law i.e. "Soul can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transferred from on body to another" we can say that population explosion will stop when all the other living beings are extinct and entire world population is human.
           Attachment: I have a suggestion to avoid extinction of existing species or to re bring the extinct species to earth. We can do this by just forcing the dying people to think about those species which are already extinct or soon be extinct. Along with conservation of species we can control human population.


  1. good one buddy....e1 gals /boys ratio also less. so u can extend ur logic as one of the reasons for less gals in d society...!

  2. yeah....good thinking yaar...also have to force other species 2 think about them whil dying...

